CHQCA Post-Acute Care

CHRISTUS Health Quality Care Alliance, LLC (CHQCA) is an accountable care organization participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and as such, engages in the development and implementation of programs and initiatives designed to increase the quality and value of health care services, lower growth in expenditures, and improve healthcare outcomes.

In furtherance of these objectives, CHQCA is identifying post-acute care providers, including home health agencies, hospice, skilled nursing facilities, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals, interested in engaging in collaborative care and quality-focused activities and related population health management initiatives with CHQCA as a post-acute care provider affiliate. These activities and initiatives may include, for example, participating in regular quality meetings, sharing best practices, reporting on process and outcomes expectations and developing care coordination processes to provide coordinated high-quality care, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

If you are interested in being considered for selection by CHQCA as a post-acute care provider affiliate, you must complete the Request for Information (RFI) for the appropriate level of care listed below. We will evaluate the information that you provide in the RFI on the basis of certain clinical quality measures and selection criteria, including but not limited to publicly available and privately available data on care outcomes, data-driven performance, evidence-based practices, cost-effectiveness, and patient satisfaction. If you are selected as a post-acute care provider affiliate, CHQCA will contact you with additional information.

Please download the appropriate application forms below and send your completed response to

Please contact Bryan Thompson, or call 469-282-0325 with questions or concerns about this process.

Application Forms